Esponente della corrente pittorica del Novecento Italiano
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LottiART è una società con sede a Como, nata nel novembre del 2016 dai suoi fondatori, Daniele Lotti e Lauretta Scicchitano Lotti, nipoti di Betto Lotti.
Le principali attività di LottiART sono:
- Organizzazione di mostre d’arte ed eventi a carattere culturale
- Conservazione e promozione del patrimonio artistico di Betto Lotti, pittore, incisore, disegnatore e docente, appartenente al movimento artistico del Novecento Italiano
- Vendita di opere, libri e cataloghi
- Contatto con case editrici e realizzazione di pubblicazioni e cataloghi nel campo dell’arte e della letteratura
- Attività di branding, anche a mezzo web, con l’aggiornamento costante del sito www.bettolotti.it e delle pagine FB e IG di Betto Lotti.

Lotti Art è nata nel 2016 ma la famiglia Lotti ha sempre conservato e portato avanti la sua tradizione artistica fin dal XIX secolo.
Proprio allo scopo di preservare questo importante patrimonio del passato, LottiART si è dedicata, tra le varie attività, all’organizzazione di mostre ed eventi sia a carattere istituzionale, sia presso Gallerie private.
Tra le più importanti esposizioni si annovera la collettiva “Eclettiche Armonie”, patrocinata dal Senato della Repubblica e dal Museo Soffici, tenutasi a Roma, presso La Sala Zuccari di Palazzo Giustiniani nel febbraio 2018, per il 70° anniversario della Costituzione Italiana.

LottiArt, founded by Daniele Lotti and Lauretta Scicchitano Lotti in 2016, is an art dealing firm based in Como, Italy. LottiArt’s main activities focus on:
- The organization of art exhibitions and cultural events.
- The archiving, conservation and promotion of Betto Lotti’s art heritage. Betto Lotti, the company founders’ grandfather, was an Italian figurative painter active in the 20th century. Originally from Liguria, Italy, he studied and worked in Tuscany for a long time.
- The purchasing and selling of art works, specifically Italian/Tuscan 20th century figurative paintings.
- Editing and publishing.

Lotti Art was founded in 2016, yet the Lotti family has been active in the art field for much longer. Whilst mainly focusing on preserving the family art heritage, LottiArt has also worked at the organization of exhibitions and events. A very important collective exhibition “Eclectic Harmonies”, held in Palazzo Giustiniani, seat of the Italian Senate, in February 2018, within the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the enactment of the Italian Constitution, stands as one among the most outstanding.

Tuscany is at the roots of Italian art and given the importance of Italy in the history of western art, Tuscany must be indeed considered as one of its fundamental cradles. Since the times of Giotto, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Lorenzo the Magnificent and several others, Tuscany has shaped and nurtured its great masters and they have all concurrently and significantly contributed to the evolution of world’s art history. From Renaissance to Mannerism, from Baroque to Neoclassicism, Tuscany has been a forge of creativity and beauty, with Florence, Siena, Pisa, Lucca featuring as the birthplaces of many talented personalities, many talented personalities, eventually exported to the rest of Italy and beyond.
Around the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, a new pictorial and figurative movement was born in Florence, a natural offspring of Tuscany’s glorious legacy, with masters such as Amedeo Modigliani, Carlo Carrà, Giorgio De Chirico, Renato Guttuso, Ardengo Soffici, Ottone Rosai, Lorenzo Viani, Betto Lotti and many more featuring as true eminences in the Italian and world art history.
The research, exhibiting and dealing of the works of these great artists are among the main activities of LottiArt.